Human has limitations that he doesn't have much control over it.
We usually try to do the best, to give our best but at times there are moments making us remember that we are only mere human.
Maybe we try to meet our deadlines, or to pull over the night, doing much things ourselves... but those things are quite inhumane on several sides.
Doing the chores and jobs that are so intensified leaving us with no room to breathe. We don't have the chance to replenish ourselves properly or let's say enough... And we don't have the time to give us the schedule and the back ups for many things.
Sometimes, these burn us out, kicking some things on our mind, maybe get us paralyzed or many others we may name... So maybe we wonder on where did it all go wrong?
Well, we need time for everything first. Especially to see things up and to set the schedule, to relax our mind but to let it have some focus on what things we should take or to reflect on things. Sometimes when we keep the bare minimums, several things come up and we somehow ruin the system we have. When we fail, we get upset sometimes and it makes us sulking or sad or depressed... Well, we also have to reconsider that ''Oh, it is actually humane to be happen'' or ''Oh, I forgot that it's quite normal things to expect if we consider this and that''.
So what should we think? What will we do?
Maybe for several people things like doing practicums or lab jobs are boring and suck us over. Sometimes, we just don't get enough things to keep the sheep floating for a time. And sometimes, we have other problems in our grips... but it's okay.
I know that we human only could do our best, and always do our best... But God do get the wheel and He will always help us if only we humbly ask and let everything up to Him. Aamiin.
Just don't forget to attend to our required needs too because getting rather enough sleeps and healthy eatings or activities do benefit us and are important things for us. :)
Keep Smiling - Thankyou God