Sometimes, i don't know what to do. As anyone may ever feel, life is never doing 'smooth' for long period without having some problems at least little bit here and there.
Sometimes, we get tired of our daily chores too. We need someone's shoulder to put our worries and head into. But there are times and places when we don't have anyone to act as our supporter.
Even when we consider someone, to fulfill us to be place of our pouring... It won't always come to happen or it maybe just something irrational of us. Imagination of our mind longing for heartfelt rest.
So yeah. at that point of time we should keep ourselves vigil and awake, to be sober all the way.. And, do the realistic things we should do. irrational desire will only creating false fantasy but it doesn't mean that there are some of our dreams, the good ones, that couldn't come true
For myself,
11th of November 2019
P.S: with love
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Friday, August 23, 2019
Saat ku ingin datang
Saat itu ku ingin datang ke suatu perkumpulan keagamaan menemui kakak-kakak yang telah hadir pada suatu amfiteater. Akan tetapi, ku tak dapat datang pada hari itu...
Bahkan pada acara sebelumnya ku pun tak sanggup datang...
Aku tahu ini bukan hal yang seratus persen kesalahanku. Sebab aku tahu aku memiliki suatu kewajiban juga di tempat aku beristirahat dalam malamku....
Sedikit sesak dan ada rasa kesedihan di lubuk, namun semua ini aku tahu ada kesalahanku sebagai pangkalnya. Aku terlalu sedih walau sebentar pada sore kemarin... Aku tidak segera melakukan ibadah sembahyang sehingga tidak segera datang ke tempat yang berkegiatan agama tersebut sampai malam....
Aku tahu aku salah... Namun aku juga tahu bahwa apabila keadaan sudah terjadi aku harus bisa melihat dan tidak melupakan apa yang harus aku lakukan saat ini... Sedangkan keinginanku untuk datang menjadi tidak tetwujud. Tetapi, baiklah aku menata diri dan mendatangi hal tersebut segera memberikan waktuku yang benar bagi Tuhan, Penciptaku. Sebab Engkau tahu, bahwa diriku penuh banyak kesalahan dan memerlukan banyak perbaikan... Dan Engkau saja yang sungguh sanggup untuk melakukannya atas diriku. Aamiin
Ku ingin datang, dengan izinMu ku akan dapat datang pada waktu lain yang terdekat. Bukan hal yang lain.
Bahkan pada acara sebelumnya ku pun tak sanggup datang...
Aku tahu ini bukan hal yang seratus persen kesalahanku. Sebab aku tahu aku memiliki suatu kewajiban juga di tempat aku beristirahat dalam malamku....
Sedikit sesak dan ada rasa kesedihan di lubuk, namun semua ini aku tahu ada kesalahanku sebagai pangkalnya. Aku terlalu sedih walau sebentar pada sore kemarin... Aku tidak segera melakukan ibadah sembahyang sehingga tidak segera datang ke tempat yang berkegiatan agama tersebut sampai malam....
Aku tahu aku salah... Namun aku juga tahu bahwa apabila keadaan sudah terjadi aku harus bisa melihat dan tidak melupakan apa yang harus aku lakukan saat ini... Sedangkan keinginanku untuk datang menjadi tidak tetwujud. Tetapi, baiklah aku menata diri dan mendatangi hal tersebut segera memberikan waktuku yang benar bagi Tuhan, Penciptaku. Sebab Engkau tahu, bahwa diriku penuh banyak kesalahan dan memerlukan banyak perbaikan... Dan Engkau saja yang sungguh sanggup untuk melakukannya atas diriku. Aamiin
Ku ingin datang, dengan izinMu ku akan dapat datang pada waktu lain yang terdekat. Bukan hal yang lain.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Your destination is Lord God
When life is not so good toward you and actually life is really occupied by struggles, you know that there is one home you can reach. By being near to God the kingdom of Heaven is present within. Because 'heaven' is place near Him... It is life when we are with God. But death is condition when you are being far from God... It is death in the soul so the person is dead... But even dead body is having life when it is so fervently pray and believe in God... In deed to be righteous is to try your hardest. People sin, but people could always try. And God will always help and come to you for His lovingkindness toward us. Aamiin
Alhamdulillah :)
Alhamdulillah :)
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Seeking place to find
Human... always search a place to find. We go from bottom and up, many of us have tried to come here and there shaped by our circumstances. After all the pains, bad feelings, or maybe trauma... human always try to seek a place that it can take rest.
We need a rest...
We need to recover....
We need somewhere to feel calm...
Human needs some real securement. As it is known, there is somehow no real or rather perpetual securement in this life. But there can always be someplace we could just get some rest and relax.
Sometimes we look for securement in other human or maybe things. But most of the time, things get change... even people change. We couldn't always get that harbour we could come to when we need it.
Sometimes, the friend(s) we have or any person it can be... just changed enough that it is no longer two ways relationship. Then by the time you will know that it is not the place we really seek.
By time we will realise that mortals and things couldn't be perpetual place that we could come to and is always there. And it just makes me realise it more that only LORD God is our resting place we find.... If we open our heart and search it... We can finally see that every negligence and leaving from our friends as example, just emphasizes up that without God we will never find the place we seek... It will always be empty, empty, and so it repeats...
Every human being has its own journey and it is alright. Every human has their own problems, some maybe similar but not as the exact copy I guess... Everyone has the right to ammend and to heal... And nothing could really stop them except themselves because God is really there after all that you will realize it at the end of journey...
It's not fast for everyone, it's not the same conclusion for everyone maybe in their every chapters... But really, when we finally realize and let go the stuffs, especially the unnecessary stuffs, then we will realize all the problems, the root, and what should we really do. I hope... experience do make us stronger and wiser. And to let itself to be reflection to be reflected (or pondered) in our most inner heart/mind. I hope so, O God. Aamiin
- the unworthy servant of God, a muslim
We need a rest...
We need to recover....
We need somewhere to feel calm...
Human needs some real securement. As it is known, there is somehow no real or rather perpetual securement in this life. But there can always be someplace we could just get some rest and relax.
Sometimes we look for securement in other human or maybe things. But most of the time, things get change... even people change. We couldn't always get that harbour we could come to when we need it.
Sometimes, the friend(s) we have or any person it can be... just changed enough that it is no longer two ways relationship. Then by the time you will know that it is not the place we really seek.
By time we will realise that mortals and things couldn't be perpetual place that we could come to and is always there. And it just makes me realise it more that only LORD God is our resting place we find.... If we open our heart and search it... We can finally see that every negligence and leaving from our friends as example, just emphasizes up that without God we will never find the place we seek... It will always be empty, empty, and so it repeats...
Every human being has its own journey and it is alright. Every human has their own problems, some maybe similar but not as the exact copy I guess... Everyone has the right to ammend and to heal... And nothing could really stop them except themselves because God is really there after all that you will realize it at the end of journey...
It's not fast for everyone, it's not the same conclusion for everyone maybe in their every chapters... But really, when we finally realize and let go the stuffs, especially the unnecessary stuffs, then we will realize all the problems, the root, and what should we really do. I hope... experience do make us stronger and wiser. And to let itself to be reflection to be reflected (or pondered) in our most inner heart/mind. I hope so, O God. Aamiin
- the unworthy servant of God, a muslim
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Tuju-tujuning urip
Tuju-tujuning urip kuwi apa tarkadhang aku uga mikir. Amarga kadhangkala apa kang kok oyak ora mêsti isa kalakon... Sok sok ora kacêkêl bañjur dadi mikir maneh apa kuwi tuju-tujumu ing urip.
Nanging, yen tau nduwe gagasan ngênani barang ngene saka mbiyen... Apa sing tênanan kok ugêmi saka mbiyen wiwit cilik apa wiwit anom yen dieling-eling maneh mangko bakal ana lan katêmu maneh apa kuwi tuju-tuju sing nguripi pikirmu kanggo urip.
Nanging, yen tau nduwe gagasan ngênani barang ngene saka mbiyen... Apa sing tênanan kok ugêmi saka mbiyen wiwit cilik apa wiwit anom yen dieling-eling maneh mangko bakal ana lan katêmu maneh apa kuwi tuju-tuju sing nguripi pikirmu kanggo urip.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Beristirahat dalam Tuhan
Pernahkah engkau berpikir untuk berisirahat dalam Tuhan?
Terkadang hidup kita tidaklah begitu sempurna. Ada bagian yang mengambang sedangkan bagian yang lain dapat tertambat sempurna. Akan tetapi, apakah kita mengorientasikan hidup kota kepada Tuhan?
Contohnya sebagai seorang muslim, menenangkan diri bersama Allah yang selalu ada bagi kita dan merenungi tiap-tiap kalimat dalam firmannya menurut kelompok-kelompok bahasan yang hendak kita baca.... terkadang seorang seperti tidak ada waktu...
Terkadang kita merasakan hidup kita seperti lelah atau bahkan menjemukan, kehilangan rasa sebagai hidup manusia. Apakah kita menggunakan waktu dan kesempatan yang kita miliki secara benar dan bijaksana? Apakah segala jadwal bahkan kejadian yang kita susun sudah benar? Apakah antipasi dan tindakan kita sudah cukup tepat?
Kita hidup di zaman yang cepat... Bahkan hal-hal yang mendadak pun sudaj menjadj bagian keseharian kita. Namun, hidup kita sebagai manusia tidak.hanya untuk sekedar bekerja dan melakukan rutinitas saja. Hidup manusia menjadi sekedar kegiatan di zaman sekarang ini.
Apakah kita sudah hidup baik dalam Tuhan yang Maha Esa? Apakah kita sudah hidup sebagai manusia yang penuh dan tidak terkotak-kotakkan seperti alat atau mesin? Bagaimanakah kita mengatur hidup kita dan waktu kita menjadi lebih baik dan bijaksana?... Berdoa dan berusaha untuk mengoreksi dan merubah hidupmu adalah salah satu hal dasar yang dapat engkau lakukan. Menikmati waktu, alam, dan momentum bersama-sama orang terdekat ataupun bersama siapapun itu dapat menjadikam hiduu lebih manusiawi dalam arti yang baik... Karena kita bukanlah mesin yang terus bekerja melainkan ciptaam Tuhan yang berharga di hadapan-Nya.
Semangat semua :)
Terkadang hidup kita tidaklah begitu sempurna. Ada bagian yang mengambang sedangkan bagian yang lain dapat tertambat sempurna. Akan tetapi, apakah kita mengorientasikan hidup kota kepada Tuhan?
Contohnya sebagai seorang muslim, menenangkan diri bersama Allah yang selalu ada bagi kita dan merenungi tiap-tiap kalimat dalam firmannya menurut kelompok-kelompok bahasan yang hendak kita baca.... terkadang seorang seperti tidak ada waktu...
Terkadang kita merasakan hidup kita seperti lelah atau bahkan menjemukan, kehilangan rasa sebagai hidup manusia. Apakah kita menggunakan waktu dan kesempatan yang kita miliki secara benar dan bijaksana? Apakah segala jadwal bahkan kejadian yang kita susun sudah benar? Apakah antipasi dan tindakan kita sudah cukup tepat?
Kita hidup di zaman yang cepat... Bahkan hal-hal yang mendadak pun sudaj menjadj bagian keseharian kita. Namun, hidup kita sebagai manusia tidak.hanya untuk sekedar bekerja dan melakukan rutinitas saja. Hidup manusia menjadi sekedar kegiatan di zaman sekarang ini.
Apakah kita sudah hidup baik dalam Tuhan yang Maha Esa? Apakah kita sudah hidup sebagai manusia yang penuh dan tidak terkotak-kotakkan seperti alat atau mesin? Bagaimanakah kita mengatur hidup kita dan waktu kita menjadi lebih baik dan bijaksana?... Berdoa dan berusaha untuk mengoreksi dan merubah hidupmu adalah salah satu hal dasar yang dapat engkau lakukan. Menikmati waktu, alam, dan momentum bersama-sama orang terdekat ataupun bersama siapapun itu dapat menjadikam hiduu lebih manusiawi dalam arti yang baik... Karena kita bukanlah mesin yang terus bekerja melainkan ciptaam Tuhan yang berharga di hadapan-Nya.
Semangat semua :)
Sunday, February 3, 2019
My Redeemer Lives
What sentence that comfort us is: I know that my redeemer lives. It is written in book of Job that testify the resurrection of the dead in the judgement day. And according to the book Job also say that although after my skin worms destroy my body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.The sentences give us comfort for the resurrection of our body and the meeting with God our Lord. As muslim, this sentence give me joy in the LORD. Pure joy that encompasses everything we may ever know. It is written in Surah Al-Qiyamah in which God foretell us about the Day of Resurrection. That those pure in heart shall see God and so on. That God who is able to give us life since beginning, He is able to resurrect our destroyed body again.
We human should really live in God and anticipate (or wait) our meeting with Him in the Judgement Day. That our suffering and our earthly life are none to this future event. Even though our body is destroyed yet we shall be resurrected and meet Him finally. What we should do is ask and do our best in the LORD our God and any other things will be done is His Holy and Almighty Name.
Usually I do not write about this. But I want to share about the LORD which is called Allah in Islam, or The Merciful, or any other Names He has given to human like in Asmaul Husna, that He indeed Lives and everyone shall be resurrected in flesh and those who is worthy for Him will see Him at last according to His will.
In islam, we believe that everyone shall know the words and the works of the LORD and that everyone shall be saved through His given religion. But it is also told that it is up to man to choose whatever it is. So, I don't have intention to attack anybody or any religion in general, but what I can do is to proclaim the faith that is according to the revelation of the LORD and that at least I could spread the awareness of spiritual goodness, moderation, or any religious things especially Abrahamic religion(s) that human may live in peace and wellness at least in this earthly life. After all, our decision is our business with the LORD. May God bless our soul and spirit, may He makes us dwell in His Love. Aaamiin
We human should really live in God and anticipate (or wait) our meeting with Him in the Judgement Day. That our suffering and our earthly life are none to this future event. Even though our body is destroyed yet we shall be resurrected and meet Him finally. What we should do is ask and do our best in the LORD our God and any other things will be done is His Holy and Almighty Name.
Usually I do not write about this. But I want to share about the LORD which is called Allah in Islam, or The Merciful, or any other Names He has given to human like in Asmaul Husna, that He indeed Lives and everyone shall be resurrected in flesh and those who is worthy for Him will see Him at last according to His will.
In islam, we believe that everyone shall know the words and the works of the LORD and that everyone shall be saved through His given religion. But it is also told that it is up to man to choose whatever it is. So, I don't have intention to attack anybody or any religion in general, but what I can do is to proclaim the faith that is according to the revelation of the LORD and that at least I could spread the awareness of spiritual goodness, moderation, or any religious things especially Abrahamic religion(s) that human may live in peace and wellness at least in this earthly life. After all, our decision is our business with the LORD. May God bless our soul and spirit, may He makes us dwell in His Love. Aaamiin
Friday, January 11, 2019
Movie : Glitter
Hi guys, I come back after watching glitter movie starred by Mariah Carey. I know this movie after I learned that 'Never too far' song was sung in this one.
So I watched it and had some comments read a while. And people say that this movie was critized hard and got a bad reviews. But many say that it's not really that bad which I agree with.
So, the first 20 minutes is quite good I think. And the concept is quite good. I found that many of the materials overlap with her private life at least in some shades. But, the movie is not focused enough and so the line is a bit too loose to be 'lost' or so. The resolution of story did not really get me... But I love the end scene where mariah sings 'Never too far' song which has deep meaning and finally meet her mom in some rural place. I think i quite like the idea but it does not feel focused enough and line does not flow well I guess.
Someone say that she would give it solid 5 or soft 6 out of ten. But anyway it's not really that bad. There are some good scenes too but you know what I have I said abput the flow. Anyway thank you for the hardwork you had given in this movie, all crews and actors/actresses. It has good moral points I think. So you may try to check it and know it yourself.
So I watched it and had some comments read a while. And people say that this movie was critized hard and got a bad reviews. But many say that it's not really that bad which I agree with.
So, the first 20 minutes is quite good I think. And the concept is quite good. I found that many of the materials overlap with her private life at least in some shades. But, the movie is not focused enough and so the line is a bit too loose to be 'lost' or so. The resolution of story did not really get me... But I love the end scene where mariah sings 'Never too far' song which has deep meaning and finally meet her mom in some rural place. I think i quite like the idea but it does not feel focused enough and line does not flow well I guess.
Someone say that she would give it solid 5 or soft 6 out of ten. But anyway it's not really that bad. There are some good scenes too but you know what I have I said abput the flow. Anyway thank you for the hardwork you had given in this movie, all crews and actors/actresses. It has good moral points I think. So you may try to check it and know it yourself.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
A day to remember
To day, this morning, God is really showing his reignhood on me. Today, finding that many things came to mess and I was unable to sleep, I played the Barbie and Christmass Carol.
It really took me unto the childhood memories and about the christmass spirit. About caring and cherishing on people and be big hearted. It made me come to realize that hurt, trauma, or any anxiety even egoism is nothing to God's love through us and love and giving spirit... It is the honest heart filled with godly joy that could conquer our negativity.
Today is 9 January which is 2 days after the orthodox christmass. In that day, I was feeling this air of goodness too. I thought, it was so because of people praying and praising God everywhere.
I'm not 'Christian', but I know that my childhood and religious background will be used by God for guiding me always. After all, Living God is good Lord that bestows life to many.
''Joy to the world
The Lord is God
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sings (3x)''
It really took me unto the childhood memories and about the christmass spirit. About caring and cherishing on people and be big hearted. It made me come to realize that hurt, trauma, or any anxiety even egoism is nothing to God's love through us and love and giving spirit... It is the honest heart filled with godly joy that could conquer our negativity.
Today is 9 January which is 2 days after the orthodox christmass. In that day, I was feeling this air of goodness too. I thought, it was so because of people praying and praising God everywhere.
I'm not 'Christian', but I know that my childhood and religious background will be used by God for guiding me always. After all, Living God is good Lord that bestows life to many.
''Joy to the world
The Lord is God
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sings (3x)''
About Friends
Is it right for us to have no friends? Or is it right for us to have no one to speak with? I miss some people. And i don't know but lately no one really talk to me. I'm sad...
Life is series of lessons
After living pretty much of my life, now i come to understand that life is series of lessons. We struggle, go down and climb up. And many of us even got lost in the dark or deep pit. We try everything in pur struggle. It's like mathematical problem you get in school. You try one and see. The other problem comes up and you begin to see that your existing method is no use. Sometimes, we are just round about and get no better state. Sometimes, we find that our found method is not right one after all, it doesn't work enough.
But, after times we may come into better vision, better skills, better experience that we might not find other ways. And i really thank God for His support for me whatever happens to me, He is always right there. Sometimes it's just round about but finally if we believe in Him, He will reveal His final path to us. Well, good story needs time eh? So, maybe we should really our life as story and keep believing in God for what may prevail and come next. Maybe it is like watching a movie or reading a book and you could just hope that this might go this way or that way. Well, not everything is there as our personal expectation(s) but if we look it far and close, well, it's actually good story you got. If it's not so, the taste will be different. Don't worry, life could always change not like a short movie we watch.
Have a good and blessed day guys :)
But, after times we may come into better vision, better skills, better experience that we might not find other ways. And i really thank God for His support for me whatever happens to me, He is always right there. Sometimes it's just round about but finally if we believe in Him, He will reveal His final path to us. Well, good story needs time eh? So, maybe we should really our life as story and keep believing in God for what may prevail and come next. Maybe it is like watching a movie or reading a book and you could just hope that this might go this way or that way. Well, not everything is there as our personal expectation(s) but if we look it far and close, well, it's actually good story you got. If it's not so, the taste will be different. Don't worry, life could always change not like a short movie we watch.
Have a good and blessed day guys :)
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